Tuesday, July 17, 2012

scared senseless

So as it is now, my husband and I split up. He's currently packing his belongings. How do i feel about this? It depends on which way you look at it.

 First, I feel like a failure. I feel like i've just become a statistic on single mothers. I feel like I let my child down. She's always going to look at me and ask why her father isn't there. How do I explain things to her so she'll understand? She's so confused and my husband is not helping the matter at all. I'm the one that tried to sit and explain to her that even though we still love each other, we need some time to figure out what we want. I try to explain to her that I'll always do what's best for her; even if she doesn't see it right away, I always will.

Next, comes the relief. Maybe now we'll both get the help we need. Me especially. Maybe now I can start to find myself again. Now i don't have to deal with constantly being talked down to and manipulated. He may not realize he does these things, but I do. This is my chance to see if I'm able to be on my own. I think I can do it. I have a line on a job making REALLY good money and i would set my own hours.

I'm not really that upset about being split up. Except for how it affects my child, it really doesn't bother me. If anything, I'll have more freedom because he'll be taking our kid every other weekend.

But for now, I'm optimistic on my future for the first time in a long time. We'll just have to see how everything goes, won't we?