Monday, June 11, 2012


So, where it stands now, I'm still with my husband. I have actually gone a step further and applied for social security. I have taken a step back from myself to get a good look too. Since i am currently visiting my mom, I've decided to seek counseling when i get home.

I know!! ~gasp~ why on earth would I need therapy??? Well, I've done some research and I've discovered something: I think I have Borderline Personality Disorder. Come to find out, it's commonly confused with BiPolar disorder. Similar, but VERY different. If it turns out that I do have BPD then it would explain a lot. I mean, A LOT. Then i would be able to at least start to fix some of the symptoms. It would explain why I have the feeling of emptiness.. Why my anger is so out of control. It would explain everything in the last 13 years.

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